Well, many of you didn't even know that I was out of town all last week. Diane, Melissa & Leigh did a wonderful job of minding the shop for me so my hubby and I could get away to celebrate our 35th wedding an

niversary. It had probably been about 30 years since we took a vacation with just the two of us. We went down to beautiful, sunny Hilton Head Island for what we thought would be a wonderful time of lying on the beach soaking up the warm rays of the sun. What we didn't know was that the sun wasn't going to shine on HHI last week. That's right, no sun whatsoever for an entire week. It rained all the way down there. That should have been our first clue. Then after several days of rain with temps about 15 degrees cooler than usual and a 25-30 mph wind, we had a few days with no rain. But it was overcast and we never saw the sun. We did briefly get a glimpse of the sun as we packed the car to come home...but that only lasted for about an hour before it began raining and once again we traveled in the rain all the way back home. So...what do you do at the beach when it rains all week? Sleep...I slept until 10 or 11 am each morning. It was wonderful not waking up to an alarm clock! Watch TV...I think I got my hubby hooked on CSI and Law and Order. Who knew that they would come on with back to back episodes. You gotta love that cable. Read...I read 2 books and another one on the way home. It's been a while since I took the time out to simply sit down and read. And of course, knit...I began an intarsia project with 13 balls of Louisa Harding Grace Hand-dyed yarn attached. OK...not the most relaxing project, but a good one to be able to leave out and know that little fingers wouldn't be bothering it and getting all of those ends mixed up. I also worked on a lacy cardigan that I'm making out of Berroco Pure Pima. I LOVE this yarn and was thrilled to see it coming together so quickly. Plus it was good to have a break from the intarsia project on occasion.
On Friday evening I went out on the balcony about midnight and wrapped up in a blanket and just sat and watched. You could see the lights of about a dozen fishing boats out on the horizon. The sky was still a bit overcast, but occasionally you could see a patch of stars peeking through. While it was hard to see the ocean since it was low tide, you could hear the sound of the waves breaking on the beach. And running around on the sand were a couple of lights darting back and forth as several folks were trying to catch a few crabs. I sat there watching and listening and just being thankful for my life. Thankful that we had the money this year to even go on a vacation together. Thankful for my little yarn shop and all of the wonderful people I have met because of it. Just a quiet thankfulness for my family, my friends, and my life.
So even though we had a rainy trip, I still got a chance to rest up a bit, relax while doing things I love, enjoy spending time with my hubby, and I came home without a sun burn. And I got to glimpse a little bit of what it feels like to be truly content.