Isn't my sweet girl growing up? It's hard to believe she was only 4 when she came to live with us. But now she and her dad have moved out to start a new family.

We went out to Memphis again this year to spent some time with the Gray side of the family. We all missed my sister-in-law, Nancy, who passed away this summer. But we found new things to do at Christmas such as have a chili-cookoff. We had my niece's white chicken chili, Nancy's chili (made by her oldest daughter, Krista), and my own 3 bean chili. They were all delicious, but everyone had their favorite. It was very fun and I anticipate having more cookoffs with other members of the family in the future.
We've added lots of classes to our Farragut well as our Block of the Month on the 1st Saturday morning of each month. The Knitters and Crocheters at our Cedar Bluff shop have enjoyed the BOM for 4 years. Now it's the Farragut's shop turn to have some fun as well. Learning new stitches will help you progress in your knitting and crocheting skills...and give you a beautiful heirloom afghan to enjoy as well.
Check out all the details on our website.
May 2012 bring you much joy and happiness as we knit, crochet, spin, & weave together!