As Thanksgiving time nears, I am mindful of all the things for which I am thankful. First and foremost, I'm thankful for a loving family. And I'm thankful to have 3 of the greatest grandchildren around. They bring me much joy.

I'm also thankful for my health. For years I've taken good health for granted. And then when two car accidents injured my back in June, my health took a turn for the worse. I've had to really struggle to regain my health. I'm thankful to have two of the greatest physical therapists in the world. Both Mark and Joy have been there every step of the way helping...and sometimes to work hard and get my strength back. It's amazing how a simple hug or a big smile can motivate me to keep trying. And even though I've still got some healing to do...both physically and emotionally...I'm making progress. For that, I am truly thankful.
Thankfulness doesn't even begin to express my gratitude to the wonderful gals that both work for me as staff and teach my classes. They encourage me...they watch out for me...they inspire me to keep learning new knitting and crocheting skills. I consider each of them a dear friend. I'm thankful to have them to work alongside me.
And speaking of friends, I've had so many new friends come into my life simply by walking in the door of my yarn shop. I get so excited to see them learn new skills...and I love to see them truly excited about the crafts I love. I'm thankful for each person that has helped me to build my business.
This next week as you celebrate Thanksgiving, why not spend some time thinking about the things for which you are thankful. You'll be amazed at how your spirit will be lifted up as you focus on the many blessings God has given you. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!