Here is a scarf she made using the cocoon stitch.
And here is Ysolda Teague's Ishbel Shawl out of Plymouth Happy Feet. We have this pattern if you'd like to make one for yourself. There's also a model in the shop using Noro Silk Garden Lite yarn.
This Lyttelton Shrug from Ravelry was very cute.
And Evelyn Clark's Swallowtail Shawl is beautiful...and it's a free online pattern.
I love this Citron Shawl she made. Also a free online pattern from Knitty.
And lastly, a Through the Loops design.
She's been busy this summer working on these well as designing a shawl for Coats & Clark. In fact, she's being published!! Her shawl pattern will be in the February issue of Knit 'N Style. As soon as that magazine becomes available, we're going to have a magazine signing for her! We'll let you know all the details by email as soon as this event is set up. We're proud of you, Sam. I know you're going to be a great designer in the future.

Some other folks have been working hard this summer as well. Laura brought in her Ysolda Teague Liesl she made out of Noro Taiyo yarn. We also have this pattern in the shop...and lots of folks have made them.

Sue brought in a hat she made out of sock yarn. The pattern is in the "Not Just for Socks" book. We have a couple of copies of this book in stock and it has some really cute projects using sock yarn.
Peggy made her Oat Couture swing vest out of Berroco Geode yarn. I think this yarn has been overlooked by a lot of people, because this is wonderful yarn. You should check it out the next time you're in the shop.
Well, try and stay cool because this summer is rapidly becoming a bit unbearable. I can't wait until Fall when the mornings have a crisp in the air and the temperature outside is nice and cool.