I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. It is always so fun being with family. My oldest daughter and her husband with their two boys came over for lunch. My son and grandaughter were also there of course. We missed having my youngest daughter and her husband with us this year as they went to Oklahoma to visit family. This was the very first Christmas she has missed being at home. But I got to talk with her and find out about her Christmas gifts, so it was OK. And she's already been told that she needs to be home next year for Christmas.

My grandkids LOVED their wallabys that I made for them. Here's a photo of them sitting on the front porch. My grandaughter wore her wallaby ALL DAY LONG! It made me feel so good to know that they will enjoy them.
For supper we all went over to my brother's house to eat with his family. So today was a good day. I even snuck in an afternoon nap. :-)
Don't forget to stop in the next few days for our End of the Year Sale! There are some great savings to be found!