Last week the Gray family had their annual Family Camp at Melton Hill Lake. I didn't get to stay for the week because, let's face it, sleeping in a tent is just not something that my back would allow. But I did get to go over after work a couple of nights for supper. My sister-in-law, Cheryl, made some awesome meals. Who knew you could eat some good co
okin' at a campground! I had to lay down several times in my son's tent to rest my back. Here's a photo of the beautiful scenery I had to look at while I was resting. My son really knows how to make camping fun. I had to laugh at the "luxury suite" he had sent up in his tent. He had a king size air mattress on the bottom with a queen size air mattress on top of it and a memory foam mattress on top of that. And then he had a fan hanging from the ceiling that had a thermostat on it! Now that's my kind of camping!

And I taught Ariel how to knit. Although basically I think she taught herself how to knit because I just showed her how to do one stitch and she started knitting! She has obviously been watching me knit for a while. Now she still needs to learn how to cast on, and how to purl, etc. But she's doing a great job for a 6 year old.
I also taught a couple of my great-nieces, Lindsey & Whitney, how to do the knit well as my niece, Kari. Kari wanted to learn how to knit so she could make some preemie caps for us. Yeah! It was a very fun time and was a nice break from dealing with back problems.
Next time I need a break, I just might go out to Melton Hill Lake, pull me up a chair, and sit there and knit.