A Place to Learn, Share & Be Creative
These are just a few ideas to get you started. There are lots of other ideas! So what are YOU doing to help save our planet?? We'd love to hear your ideas.
We also got to meet our grandkitten, Luna, for the first time. She doesn't like to be picked up, nor have her picture taken, but she does like to be petted. I think it will take me a while to warm up to her as cats are just not my favorite pet.
Karissa chose a pale blue thread for her doillie. Very dainty looking.
Kristina's made a diferent edging on her doillie, but it still looks great! Love the color.
Annhara's brown doillie will look great anywhere in her home.
Laura chose a real pretty blue for her doillie.
And Sandra's fuchsia doillie really stands out. Very pretty.
It was amazing to see how the doillies came out different sizes according to everyone's gauge. Thank you to all these gals for joining our CAL. We'll do another mystery CAL next March. And who knows, we might even do one sometime else during the year. I've had several requests to do another one, and I think that's a great idea!
On a different note, I was driving back to the shop one day last week and saw the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile ahead of me. I was surprised to find them pulling into our shopping center. I just had to take a picture...because it's not every day that you see a giant hot dog going down the road. Some of the Lace KAL gals suggested that we go out and have our picture taken with it, but that idea got voted out rather quickly.
Well, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this beautiful summer weather we're having so early. Hope this doesn't mean that this summer is going to be unbearably hot. Pray for some rain or we might be in for another drought soon.