
Saturday, after the shop closed, we drove up to Johnson City to attend the wedding of one of my nieces. It was held at Oaks Castle...a historic castle built in 1922. The castle was so beautiful and so full of history. It was an excellent place to have an outdoor wedding...and the weather couldn't have been nicer.

It was so fun to see a lot of my extended family members and catch up with their latest news. And I even got to see a niece and nephew that I hadn't seen in proba

bly 8 years!
After the ceremony we had a beautiful buffet supper and ate under a huge white tent that spread out on the lawn. As dusk began to fall, some of the smaller kids began to run around and catch lightening bugs. Here's a photo of my granddaughter, Ariel, my great-ne

phew, Brandon, and one of my grandsons, Joshua. They were having a wonderful time just being together.
Weddings always cause me to relive my own wedding. And then the memories just flood back of "the good ole days". The only thing that caused me a bit of sadness at this wedding was that, during the ceremony

, there was no mention whatsoever of God. No prayers. No blessings. It made me feel a bit sad because without God in the center of my own marriage, I don't think I would have stayed married for the past 34 years. You simply have to have something that grounds you so firmly that divorce is never an option. Our relationships with God have been that sustaining force for us. Hopefully, my newly-married niece and her new hubby will soon discover what a difference God can make in a marriage.
But all in all, the evening was most enjoyable. With a 2 hour drive home looming before us, we soon felt we should leave. Driving home I began to think that maybe I should start making some baby blankets and baby sweaters. Because you see, I have 20 nieces and nephews and only 3 of them are married. And so far 5 great-nieces and nephews have arrived. Another niece is getting married in December in Memphis...and one of her sisters probably won't be too long in following her footsteps. Once all of these weddings get going, babies are sure to follow! So I had better get to knitting right away in anticipation of all those wonderful new great-nieces and nephews that will be coming. I see some more baby surprise jackets in my future!!